1-Hand-out: Please don’t whisper (Graphic 1) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. 2-Treat Tag: EXTRA C.T.R. (Graphic 2) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. Glue piece of Extra gum on x. 3- Game: Jesus Said Matching Game (Graphics 3-7) Print one set of cards. Color and cut. Stick cards on board with tape or poster putty. For the game have children come up and turn over two cards. One card should show Jesus setting an example for us, and the matching card should be a picture of children following Jesus‘ example. When they find a match, have them read the cards. The game should teach that Jesus showed us the way that we should live. 4- Object Lesson/Singing Time Idea: The Wise Man’s House Using the pattern (Graphic 9) and recipe (Graphic 8), make two gingerbread houses. (NOTE: You can make the houses with graham crackers if you want to save time.) Use Royal Icing to glue one house together and decorate it with candy, etc. to make it look attractive. Make regular icing (not royal.) Bring enough frosting and decorations to make the second house look just like the first. For the object lesson, ask the children if they would like to help you make a gingerbread house to look just like the one that is already made. Talk to the children about the importance of having a model, a pattern or a plan when we build or make something. Tell them that you followed a recipe to make the gingerbread, and you used a pattern to cut out the pieces of the house. Our lives are the same way. We need someone to pattern our lives after. We need a plan to follow. Our Heavenly Father sent someone to show us the way (sing “He sent His Son“, CS 34). Ask for volunteers to come and help you put together and decorate the house. Make sure they make the house look like your model. When the house is finished put them both where everyone can see them. You will need to stand behind the houses for the object lesson. Ask the children if they think the two houses look alike. Then put your hand on the top of each house and push softly on them until the one made with regular icing collapses. Sometimes in our life we look at the way things appear, and we don’t pay attention to what is most important. Maybe you admire a really good person who is a great basketball player. You assume that it is his ability to play basketball that makes him so great and you don’t pay any attention to the other things that make him great. You practice basketball everyday so that you can be like him. You become a really good basketball player and are very happy with who you are. Then one day you are with your friends and they are doing something that they shouldn’t do and you don’t have the courage to say no. You collapse under the pressure just like our house. How did you fall? You believed that playing basketball would make you strong and great like the person you admired so much, but in fact the real reason he was such a great person was because of the things that he was doing that weren’t noticeable. He was trying to live his life like Christ would. He was reading his scriptures and saying his prayers daily, and staying away from situations that might tempt him to do things he shouldn’t do. We thought that if we put the same decorations on our house, we would have the same house. But we didn’t pay attention to the most important part of the house. The icing that holds it together. When you build a gingerbread house you have to use a special kind of frosting called royal icing. This frosting dries really hard so the house will hold together and be strong. (Sing “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man”, CS 281) Ask the children if they know what the rock is. The rock is Jesus Christ. Our lives must be built on a foundation of faith in him or we too will crumble and fall when the storms come. Ask the children if they know what they can do to build this strong foundation. You could have them sing some other songs that are centered on Jesus Christ.